Is European Populism Dead? Arthur Boriello and Anton Jäger’s The Populist Moment helps us understand how political realignment is challenging European populism’s dominance.
Contemporary US-China Relations: A Primer The Biden-Xi summit did not do much to repair the spiraling US-China relationship. What are the experts saying about how we got here?
The Man Who Sold the World Before Kendi’s brand of anti-racism fades into the history books, we should remember why it became popular in the first place. Kendi gave us the professional-class solution to inequality: acknowledge its existence, renounce it rhetorically, then continue on in much the same way as you did before.
Critical Cul-de-Sac Contemporary film criticism increasingly takes the form of a ceaseless hunt for hidden messages in movies. In addition to producing outlandish interpretations, it is also confusing the role of art in society.
Big Public Power from the River The Tennessee Valley Authority was about more than electrification. It was a complex project of building state and public planning capacity geared toward rapid ecological restoration of the entire region. For impoverished farmers, it was nothing short of life changing.
Big Public Power from the Atom Big public power in the last century applied the elemental potential of water toward social ends. The big public power of tomorrow should revolve around the elemental potential of the atom.
One or the Other Letting people struggling with drug abuse run themselves into a decrepit state with no social provisions or adequate forms of drug treatment is a tragic mistake. So too is trying to revive a drug prohibitionism that only ever works at the cost of extending the rot of contemporary society.