Inside the Mind of the Professional-Managerial Class, Part Two Fear of a breakdown that has already happened.
I’m Not Wearing a Mask Why are the esrtwhile hysterical Crybullies of Social Justice Sanctimony now extolling the virtues of stoicism, censuring those that would dare admit that this moment might be a bit—dare I say—“traumatizing”?
Technocracy’s End-of-Life Rally If it’s true that the dystopias we dream up are the ones we secretly desire, then is our exceptional situation not the one centrists coveted?
Pinned to a Rock, Alone: The Coronavirus Reading List Sam Kriss reads books, Part One. Literature is not therapy.
It might take a while before history starts again COVID is killing the old order left populists fought against, but only at the cost of postponing the new.
The Class Character of the Coronavirus Panic In the panic attack, the traumatic event is created by the imagination and this construction (a micro-delusion), built in loneliness and anxiety, has the same power as the real trauma.