Strategic Disruption Democratic politics vs. blowing up pipelines is not a great debate. Militant disruption shouldn’t be written out of the tactical repertoire, but it matters who causes it, and to what end.
One or the Other Letting people struggling with drug abuse run themselves into a decrepit state with no social provisions or adequate forms of drug treatment is a tragic mistake. So too is trying to revive a drug prohibitionism that only ever works at the cost of extending the rot of contemporary society.
From Politics to Theory and Back Debates about global economic stagnation are unlikely to resolve the pressing political questions they raise. Better to tackle the politics directly than fall back into theory battles.
Cash Dreaming Welfare for Markets examines the various political, economic, social, and ideological transformations that allowed basic income to be dressed up as a smart idea. Today, rather than succumb to the dominance of money, we should resume an older conversation about the collective determination of needs.
What’s In Our First Print Issue The opening editorial of our first print issue, “Building Big Things.”
Toward a Socialist Minimalism It’s possible simply to have no definite opinion about many issues that our media outlets tell us are very pressing. In fact, this might be a principled position to hold.